Originally hailing from the picturesque islands of The Bahamas, Nathan Lacroix embarked on a journey to PEI 2018 with a singular ambition - to immerse himself in the vibrant film community of PEI. Guided by an unwavering passion for the industry, Nathan, who proudly identifies as queer, has actively sought out and participated in many training opportunities at Film Pei. These include, but are not limited to, acting for camera - the LA Technique, film industry fundamentals, and PA and AD fundamentals. Equipped with a foundation in acting, Nathan has honed his craft through background roles in Diggs town and local advertisements. This has afforded him invaluable on-set experience and a deep understanding of production intricacies. Yet, his talents extend beyond the camera. Nathan has also ventured into the realm of assistant directing, showcasing a profound appreciation for the collaborative nature of filmmaking. With his innate talent, genuine dedication to his craft, and commitment to diversity and inclusion, Nathan Lacroix is poised to make an indelible mark on the world of cinema.