About Our Organization

The Island Fringe Festival is dedicated to supporting independent performers and artists while creating opportunities for diverse communities to experience boundary-pushing theatre and live performance at affordable rates. Founded in 2012, The Island Fringe Festival is an annual performing arts festival that unites artists and audiences in fun, exploratory environments. We are a registered non-profit organization that has one year-round staff with additional staff brought in mid-spring. The organization is overseen by a board of directors and reliant on our incredible volunteers who are dedicated to supporting the creation of new theatrical and performative works. As a member of The Canadian Association of Fringe Festivals (CAFF) we follow these five guiding principles:

  • Artists are selected on a non-juried basis through a lottery
  • The audience must have the option to pay a ticket price, 100% of which goes directly to the artists
  • We do not have control over the artistic content of each performance, the artistic freedom of the participants is unrestrained
  • We must provide an easily accessible opportunity for all audiences and all artists to participate in the Festival
  • We will promote and model inclusivity, diversity and multiculturalism, and will endeavour to incorporate them into all aspects of our organizations
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