Artist Statement

I am Gøod. I am Art. I am Gøod Art. 

I am Creator. I am Created. I Create. 


KingKxndi is an Artist, a medium for/to/of feelings.

Through words, imagery and curated spaces, KingKxndi explores 

what it means 

…to Be of Earth, on Earth, with Earth, from Earth.

KingKxndi Loves the Cosmos, Spirituality, Goddesses and her Ancestors.

We feel Them reflected in everything She does/touches. 

Through her curiosity and networks, KingKxndi explores

… the intersections of Good and of Art.

KingKxndi is blessed to reside in beautiful Mi’kma’ki and to have been embraced and nurtured by the Black elders of Epekwitk. 

KingKxndi is an immigrant, a CFA, a Black Islander. 

She is an Amiiru of the Diaspora. 

King Kxndi is a dreamer, a god, a Black Woman.

She is Created and Creator.

Wherever She is, She is Art-ing.

Wherever she is Art-ing, She is home.