Artist Statement

I am an interdisciplinary artist exploring ways to feel present in the moment, rekindling feelings of intuition and playfulness. I believe we create what we live and our art reflects our constantly evolving life circumstances and belief systems. Creating art has given me a platform to un-apologetically promote mindfulness as a tool to reduce anxiety, as well as an outlet for celebrating the beauty of our natural world. I am natures biggest cheerleader.


My approach to art is mindful. There is no better place to be but in the present moment. The act itself is a very slow one; filled with intention, and playfulness. It’s also extremely meditative, and can calm the intrusive thoughts of a stressful day. The style of printing is organic, and playful with the use of two styles of alternative photography; monograms of found specimens, and printing with photo negatives. Often I will combine both types of printing into the same piece of artwork using double or triple exposures. Most of the prints will only be Cyan/Blue due to the nature of the chemistry, but in the past have added colour with watercolour paint, Lino-cut stamping, lithography, and even embroidery. Two exhibits I had during 2024 evolved around themes about anxiety and the importance of mindfulness. “Mindfully Rhodo” at the Fitzroy Street Tiny Gallery shone light on intrusive thoughts, and was a reminder to “not believe everything you think”. “The really Long Tumble” at Blank Canvas was a meditation on stress and anxiety. A metaphor for the rapid and nonstop pace of our modern existence, and the importance of normalizing rest, and our connection with ourselves and the role nature plays in calming us from everyday stressors. Both of these exhibits had free/buy donation Zines for viewers called “Tools to help calm anxious thoughts” where every page had a tip on how to deal with everyday stressors, and fun/free ways to help ground yourself if your anxiety has spiked. The other two exhibits I had the honour of participating in were a celebration of Biodiversity. “Flowers of Abundance Overgrown on Prince street” for the City of Charlottetowns Your Community in Bloom 2024, was a celebration of our everyday weeds, and their role in adding to the beauty of the neighbourhood ecosystem. “The biodiversity of a Trees Ecosystem” for The City of Charlottetown Rooted in Art 2024 was a celebration of our native tree species, and their role in contributing to the local biodiversity. Each tree provides a worldly ecosystem of plants and insects that are absolutely essential for keeping our planet healthy and well.

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