
Christina Patterson is best known for her whimsical, bold style, found in her caricature sculptures and paintings. She is a professionally trained graphic designer and artist working from her home studio in Charlottetown, PEI.

Since 2004 Christina Patterson has been making quality sculptures for clients worldwide, including celebrity clients such as former Prime Minister Brian Mulroney, Danny Trejo, David Copperfield and Regis & Kelly. Her work has been featured on the Regis and Kelly Live Show, Gizmodo, Le Journal du Geek, Blizzard Entertainment, CBC, CTV Live at five, and various newspapers across Canada.

On multiple occasions, Christina has paired up with her husband, Shaun Patterson, to create a collection of children's books. She has also been combining her sculpting and photography skills to create a new illustration style to capture children's imagination.

She is currently sharing her wealth of knowledge and methodology by teaching private art lessons and creating art instruction videos for her YouTube channel.

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